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Kelly M.J.

  Title: Low-Dimensional Semiconductors Materials, Physics Technology, Devices.
  Author: Kelly M.J.
  Reader: Козлов Владимир Анатольевич

Kittel Charles

  Title: Introduction to Solid State Physics
  Author: Kittel Charles
  Available :1

Ketterson J.B.

  Title: Superconductivity
  Author: Ketterson J.B.
  Authors: Song S.N.
  Reader: Самохвалов Алексей Владимирович

Kivshar Yuri S.

  Title: Optical Solitons From Fibers to Photonic Crystals.
  Author: Kivshar Yuri S.
  Authors: Agrawal Govind P.
  Reader: Жаров Александр Александрович

Kresin V.Z.

  Title: Mechanisms of Conventional and High Tc Superconductivity
  Author: Kresin V.Z.
  Authors: Morawitz H., Wolf S.A.
  Available :1

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